Wednesday 21 September 2011

Scrap book of spinning

It feels almost like I am creating a scrapbook of experiences with every ride. Songs, lyrics, emotions, imaginary places and inspiration are filed away in my spinning notebook.There is so much communicated to me in those pages because I remember how it all falls together even while I am on the bike , those unplanned moments that blow
you away. If you are a spinning instructor you know what I mean when you hurriedly put part of your playlist together hoping something works and boom it works better than you could have ever imagined. Often it is amazing how the lyrics fit the theme of the day whether it is about having a vision or dream or a goal or wanting to change and all the other coaching cues that we use.  My scrapbook is not filled with pictures that anybody would understand but me but oooo are they sweet! Sometimes the ride is sweetened by who shows up for the
ride I have planned because it fits where they are in their life journey. So many of these joyful moments can not be replicated by any means in the another class even if you use exact  same words, music, and profile. That is what makes spinning amazing to me. I often just want to bow down in the corner and thank God for His mercy that anybody would want to ride with me , want to hear what I have to say and be helped in any fashion and for all the unexplainable things that can happen in a class.

Tuesday 6 September 2011


I am so motivated by the cooler temps for fall. Inspiration at every turn..
It seems to me to be a repeat of the 70's in style this season.
Floppy hats, furry vests, paisley prints,and knotted scarves.
I find inspiration for my spin classes everywhere especially what
I am reading. I am reading The Little Big Things by Tom Peters.
I pick up things that look interesting on the new book shelf
at the library and am amazed how much I have found for myself.
Today's read involved design and basically how we crave excellence
and beauty. Some of rides reflect that craving and some reflect
that I am in creating mode and my product is just not right yet.
It was fun to share where to look for inspiration with our new
spin instructors at our club yesterday.